Connecting With Your Higher Self
You know when you want to listen to a radio station, you tune your radio to that frequency? Connecting with your higher self, the one that serves you, is a lot like that. It’s the frequency you tune into that determines what you hear and see.
You can choose to either listen to your ego or your higher self. The ego is the mind and contains all your limiting beliefs that create your fears. It’s your wounded self, your false self. Your higher self taps into the Source of truth that is always here to guide you. Connecting to your higher self is where you’ll find peace and happiness, but you need to be intentional with your thoughts and actions so that you’re coming from a place of love rather than fear.
Easier said than done, right? It might seem that way, but what if all you had to do was simply tune into your feelings? Your feelings are an inner guidance system, letting you know when you are on track or off track in your thinking and behavior. If you’re feeling bad, that means you’re on a low frequency, and if you’re feeling good, you’re on a higher one.
And the secret to getting really good at being aware of your feelings is meditation. Practicing meditation regularly allows you to build the mental muscle needed to have this awareness. Not only that, but when meditating, you are centering yourself, which literally means that you are quieting your mind and coming back to your natural state- The Self.
If you’re able to do just this and nothing else, you’ll still stay connected to your high self and your life will transform. You’ll notice in time your good feelings will intensify. Synchronicities will occur. Suddenly, answers to your biggest questions will reveal themselves. Problems will mysteriously resolve themselves. And you’ll begin to attract what you desire most. This is the power of the energy you emanate. It’s designed for you to create, so harness this power to create the life of your wildest dreams.