Anxiety and Self-Care
Is your anxiety so high that it affects the quality of your life? Losing opportunities and experiences that are meaningful to you, whether it’s a social life, a new career, or solo travel, is no way to live. To live means you’re kicking ass at life and doing the very things that nourish your soul. When you don’t, you literally feel empty inside. At the same time, some of us push ourselves too hard to get to where we want to be.
I used to feel so overwhelmed and hopeless trying to grow and improve my life overnight that it got to the point where it was affecting my physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. I was constantly restless, moody, and exhausted, and that’s when I knew I had to rethink things. I started to slow down, pay attention to my needs, and give my mind, body, and soul what they desired- peace.
When most people want to change their lives but are consumed with anxiety, they either do nothing or desperately try to find ways to fix it. Most of the time, this sets them up for failure and the effort stops there. Instead, why not try relinquishing the burden of expectations you put on yourself?
Here’s what you can do:
First, you need to surrender and release the high expectations you have for yourself. Stop comparing yourself to others and what they’re doing in life. Drop the unrealistic timeline you’ve given yourself to achieve all your dreams and stop living by a fictional rule book. This allows you to slow down and listen to what your body, mind, and soul needs. Maybe it’s rest. Maybe it’s quieting your mind and embracing mindfulness. Only you have the answers. Lastly, be kind and empathetic to yourself while being proud of your ambition.
Bottom Line:
Once you’re able to be gentle and patient with yourself and where you are in your journey, self-care will come easy. Only then will you be in a place where you can succeed.